City Health Monitor/Tracker
Monitoring/Tracking Infectious/Contagious Diseases in your City, promoting Health, reducing Outbreaks

Privacy Policy

  1. Collected Information
    1. All Site Pages at the exception of the Forum
    2. Forum
    3. Social Network and Social Media Logins
    4. Non Personal Browsing and Site Usage Information
  2. Use of Cookies
  3. Information Usage
  4. Data Storage and Data Transfer
  5. Information Disclosure
  6. Third-Party Logins, Access and Links
  7. Creative Commons Privacy Policy Extracts
  8. Contact

The following describes Scignos Consulting Inc.’s Privacy Policy, particularly in regards to its Website (hereafter referred to as the “Site” or “Website”). Scignos Consulting Inc. (hereafter named “Scignos”) is a Canadian Registered Federal Corporation having its Headquarters in Toronto, Ontario.

Scignos Consulting Inc. is committed to safeguarding and preserving the privacy of our visitors. Our Privacy Policy offers you a comprehensive explanation regarding the gathering and usage of the data provided to us or any data we may have collected from you. This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time; therefore, it should be reviewed occasionally. By accessing and using our Website, you agree to this Privacy Policy.

Collected Information

All Site Pages at the exception of the Forum

Throughout all the pages of our Site, at the Exception of the Forum found at, no data which could be qualified as Personal is being collected in the Database used by our Site, for the information collected in the Database could not be linked to any individual. Indeed, upon providing some information via our Site, only some data Statistical in nature is stored in the Database. (e.g. A disease associated to a specific City). The Database does not store any information which could be used to link the information provided with the user having specified the items (i.e. Disease, City…). Also, Scignos Never tries to associate the information provided and stored in the Database, with the Standard Information collected by the Web Server (i.e. typical data collected by Web Servers for operational purposes such as IP addresses of users visiting the Site). Furthermore, the Site Never collects any Information which could be qualified as Personal Health Information, since the data collected in our Database could not be associated to an individual, as indicated above.

Moreover, when Registering for our Forum, the Registration Information, as well as the Information provided when participating in discussions within the Forum itself, are stored in a different Database than the one used by all the other Pages of the Site. The information provided while Registering for the Forum, as well as the one entered while participating to discussions on the said Forum are never associated with the Data provided on the other Pages of the Site. Additionally, the Data stored in the two Databases are never analyzed in conjunction and the records stored in one Database are never associated with the ones found in the second Database.

Also, upon logging into any Social Network or Social Media Platform from our Site, we never associate the Accounts used for logging into these Sites or any information related to them, to the information entered in our Website. These Accounts are solely used when necessary for performing some specific tasks, and are only used for the tasks in question (e.g. Verifying your Friends Statuses on Facebook, Twitting the Site address…), as specified on the Site, and no data is collected regarding the Accounts used. These logins are entirely independent from our Website, and are done on each respective Platform’s servers (i.e. Facebook, Twitter...).

Nevertheless, in operating and maintaining our Site we may collect and process the data referred to in the “Non Personal Browsing and Site Usage Information” Section below, which will never be stored in our Database or associated with the Entries contained in that Database. Thus, the data collected for maintenance purposes and the one stored in the Database consist of two independent sets of data which will never be analyzed in conjunction, and are used for entirely different purposes.


As indicated above, when Registering for our Forum, the Registration Information, as well as the Information provided when participating in discussions within the Forum itself, are stored in a different Database than the one used by all the other Pages of the Site. The information provided while Registering for the Forum, as well as the one entered while participating to discussions on the said Forum are never associated with the Data provided on the other Pages of the Site. Additionally, the Data stored in the two Databases are never analyzed in conjunction and the records stored in one Database are never associated with the ones found in the second Database.

We require users to create an account (user name and password) in order to log into our Forum, solely to prevent spamming of the Site. Also, this requirement helps us monitor and eventually block abusive users form using the Site, for the benefit of all the other users. Otherwise, the account creation is not meant for any other purposes.

Meanwhile, since the information which could be entered during discussions on our Forum could constitute Personal Health Information, it is highly advised and recommended that users not use as an Account name for registering on our Forum, any real name or any information which could be linked to one’s name or could help a third party identify one’s name, in order not to divulge or disclose any Personal Health Information. Indeed, it is recommended to use a fictitious name with no component which could help a third party identify the person. Also, it is recommended that during the discussions, no information which could help a third party identify the user be provided or published.

Only the Registration information and the text entered during the discussions will be stored in the Database pertaining to the Forum, and no other data will be stored in the Database in question.

Nevertheless, as indicated above regarding the other Pages of our Site, in operating and maintaining our Forum we may collect and process the following data, which will never be stored in our Forum Database or associated with the Entries contained in that Database. Thus, the data collected for maintenance purposes and the one stored in the Forum Database consist of two independent sets of data which will never be analyzed in conjunction, and are used for entirely different purposes.

i) Information about your use of our Forum including details of your visits such as pages viewed and the resources that you have accessed while on the Site. The information includes, but is not limited to location data, weblogs, traffic data, and any other communication information.
ii) Information that you provide when you communicate with us by any means.
iii) Information provided voluntarily by you. For example, when you register for our Forum and when you participate in a Discussion on the Forum.

Social Network and Social Media Logins

As indicated above, upon logging into any Social Network or Social Media Platform from our Site, we never associate the Accounts used for logging into these Sites or any information related to them, to the information entered in our Website. These Accounts are solely used when necessary for performing some specific tasks, and are only used for the tasks in question (e.g. Verifying your Friends Statuses on Facebook, Twitting the Site address…), as specified on the Site, and no data is collected regarding the Accounts used. These logins are entirely independent from our Website, and are done on each respective Platform’s servers (i.e. Facebook, Twitter…), although via our Website. These logins are required in order to access each respective third-party’s resources.

Non Personal Browsing and Site Usage Information

As indicated above, in operating and maintaining our Site we may collect and process the following data, which will never be stored in our Databases or associated with the Entries contained in those Databases. Thus, the data collected for maintenance purposes and the one stored in the Databases consist of two independent sets of data which will never be analyzed in conjunction, and are used for entirely different purposes.

More generally, this Privacy Policy covers how we maintain and use information regarding your visits to our Website, which is collected by our Server logs.

Non Personal Browsing Information we collect. When you access and use our Website, the servers on which the Site is deployed may collect information (through, for example, the use of your “IP address”) about your activities while visiting the Website and information about the browser you are using.

No Linking. We do not intentionally link browsing information or information from our server logs to the information you submit to us by using the Website. We use this information solely for system administration purposes.

No Selling or Sharing except when legally obliged. Scignos does not sell or otherwise voluntarily provide the non personal browsing information we collect about you or your website usage to third parties.

No Retention. Scignos discards non personal browsing information from server logs once we have used the information for the limited purposes noted above.

Use of Cookies

Our Pages, at the exception of our Forum, does not create nor use any cookies. Meanwhile, our Forum may create cookies for operational purposes and for workability. Meanwhile, both our Forum and all the other Pages of the Site may, if necessary, gather information regarding the browser (or its configuration) accessing it, in order to present the user with a workable version of the Site, based on the user’s browser and settings. Any information collected will not have any personal nor identifying data.

Moreover, when logging into a Social Network or Social Media Platform from our Site, these Platforms typically create cookies, which are downloaded to the user’s computer and stored on the computer’s hard drive. These cookies are entirely independent from our Site and are not used nor accessed by our Site.

Your browser has the ability to decline cookies. This is done by setting your browser options to decline all cookies. Please note however, that if you do decide to decline the download of cookies, some functionalities of our site may not work properly.

Information Usage

The information entered on any part of the Website is used solely for the purpose stated on each respective Page of the Site. The data is not used for any other purposes than the ones stated therein. The data is never sold to any third party and is used solely by the users accessing and using the Site. The Website is used as a trending tool and as a consulting resource or discussing platform for the Forum.

Data Storage and Data Transfer

Scignos performs all reasonable actions and implements all reasonable measures to ensure the safety of, and protect against unauthorized access to the data stored on the Servers and in the Databases used by the Site. The Information is stored on secure servers.

However, please note that transferring data electronically is not completely secure. We cannot guarantee full protection and security of the data transferred via the Internet, only that we take all reasonable actions to protect the information sent to us electronically. Transmission of any data by you to our Website is at your own risk. Furthermore, our Forum requires an Account name and password to login. You are responsible for the password’s safety and confidentiality.

Information Disclosure

No information stored on this Website will be disclosed to any third-party. Third-party disclosure may occur only in these circumstances:

- To take action regarding suspected illegal activities;
- Enforce or apply the Terms of Usage and this Privacy Policy applicable to our Site;
- Comply with legal processes, such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or court order;
- Protect Scignos’s rights, reputation, and property, or that of our users, affiliates, or the public.

Third-Party Logins, Access and Links

The Third-Parties accessed from our Website have their own privacy policy, which you agree to when you access them. We are not responsible nor do we accept responsibility for third parties accessed via our Website. Our liability covers us only on our site, and thus we do not accept liability for third party accessed via our Site as we have no control over them.

Creative Commons Privacy Policy Extracts

Some parts of this Privacy Policy applicable to constitute modified and adapted extracts originating from the Creative Commons Privacy Policy found at, which usage is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which can be accessed at the following Site:


Please do not hesitate to contact us at regarding any enquiries or comments you may have about our Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy is Effective as of October 22, 2012.

For any questions or comments regarding this Site, please write to:

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